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During the month of February 2012 Stefan had the first pain in his right ear, and we went to a specialist in Mangalia where we were given diagnosis that it was a case of acute 'otitis media'. The doctor subscribed antibiotics and drops to put in the nose.

In the month of March 2012, in addition to the pain of his right ear, Stefan have emerged  pains on the side of his cheek and his nose. We have been to the same doctor as before and he told us that it were polyps. Again he was given antibiotics for treatment.

Later on in the month of March I noted that his face turned up toward the left, he could not close his right eye and had pain more than in the ear.

They were symptoms of facial paralyse and on the right-hand side. I got him back to medical consulting in Mangalia to another doctor of a Polyclinic.

Here, I have received a reply summary .... the child has problems with polyps and tonsils, his ears he had been cleaned by the doctor. They recommended to us to do a set of further analysis.

I went home more puzzled than before the visit, as the child had stronger pains. So we looked for  another special doctor in Constanta.

I have found Mrs. Dr. Rusu Rodica and she immediately send us to the emergency department in Bucharest. She also said that Stefan was in a very serious condition.

They diagnosied anaesthekinesia which has to be treated with an operation.

The following morning I went to Bucharest to the Panduri Hospital of Razoare where he should be operated by Mr. Radulescu Marian.

The operation lasted for about 4 hours. At the end of the operation, the doctor told us that Stefan had 'bone mastoidal ate' of the infection and that what I have seen there is something that is both rare, being suspected of cancer.

From the statements of the doctor I understand that the surgery was successful and that after two weeks we'll go home. Then we should come back after a month to operate the polyps.

Time has passed for two weeks in which everything has gone very well. Stefan had no pain, what we enjoy very much, making us plans for a holiday. But in the last few days, before we went home the pain came back, the intensity being much greater. The pain moved under his nose and cheek right in the area. We have asked the doctor and the answer was that that pains are normal and that they will pass. But it wasn't, as a proof as the doctor has requested an exam CT.

We had an appointment at the Queen Maria Clinic for the CT. The doctor there told us that the surgery looks good, but there is something that is not normal and he has asked his consent for an examination in the MRI.

Results have been disastrous for us: Stefan had a tumor on the right side of the head, starting at the nose, sinuses, the cavity eye, jaw and ear right.

It took the doctors one month to give advice what to do next. A biopsy has been done to find out what kind the giant tumor is.

After 2 weeks we have got the final diagnosis:

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma called Burkitt lymphoma. That is a rare type of cancer.

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